Aug 20, 2021
Welcome back to EBU Access Cast - podcast about assistive technology for blind and partially sighted people. This is transcribed episode 32.
Some of us got the EU Covid certificate and we shared our experiences of showing the digital version on the mobile phone as blind persons. We found out that not all PDF viewers on mobile phones open the QR code maximised and therefore this creates difficulties to blind persons to show properly the certificate on the Covid-19 travel checkpoints. Feel free to share your experience with us!
Pawel discovered a very handy app for taking notes Simplenote. The notes are synced on all your devices and can be accessed via the web interface as well. We were thrilled to discover that the interface is accessible on all platforms and that every action has an assigned shortcut.
We discussed the new accessibility features in iOS15 and compared them with Google announcement of the changes which will come in Android 12.
We also commented the Windows 11 accessibility announcement.
The NVDA 2021.1 was released in July with many new features and bug fixes.
We discovered the NVDA Unmute addon that checks the status of the Windows audio system when NVDA starts. If the sound is muted - the add-on forcibly turns it on. As blind users we find it very useful.
Mario discovered the RHVoice, open source TTS engine, that supports 8 languages.
Get in contact with us, share your comments or suggestions via email or via Twitter @ebuaccesscast.